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Swiss news
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SCI's Helvetia Chapter in Switzerland showcased its celebrated Black Grouse Conservation Project during its Chapter General Assembly in Gstaad on…
Swiss news
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European Chapters have innovative plan to save habitat. In the Swiss Alps, the Safari Club International Helvetia Chapter and the Association Alpine…
Swiss news
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In den Schweizer Alpen entwickelt sich eine bemerkenswerte Partnerschaft zugunsten des bedrohten Birkhuhns. Dieses Projekt ist das Werk des «Safari…
Event & Assembly
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We are pleased to inform you that the SCI Helvetia Chapter is organizing its annual grand weekend from the 16th to 17th of August 2024 in Gstaad,…
Swiss news
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The Swiss alps and the Cajun bayou really aren't all that different... hear me out! Last week I got to see the great work SCI members are doing for…
Event & Assembly
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We are pleased to inform you that the SCI Helvetia Chapter is organizing its annual grand weekend from the 11th to 12th of August 2023 in Gstaad,…
Event & Assembly
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We are pleased to inform you that the SCI Helvetia Chapter is organizing its annual grand weekend from the 10th to 11th of June 2022 in Gstaad,…
International news - Swiss news
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SCI Europe is proud to announce that following the SCI annual meeting in Las Vegas all European chapters have agreed to financially support two…
International news
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As you might have heard, the UK parliament might introduce during their spring session a bill to implement the toughest bans in the world on the…
International news
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Trophy hunting sparks outrage around the world. But the highly controversial sport can actually help to protect some of Africa's most endangered big…
International news
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The recent debate in England on the «driven grouse shooting ban» shows once again that when scientists look at a hunting practices without…
Event & Assembly
Published on
Fin septembre, nous avons enfin l’opportunité, depuis la création du Comité du SCI Europe, de nous rencontrer en personne et de participer à l’…