Dear SCI Helvetia Members and Dear Friends,
We are pleased to inform you that the SCI Helvetia Chapter is organizing its annual Grand Weekend from the 10th to 11th of June 2022 in Gstaad, Switzerland. In order to promote our passion, we are organizing various activities including a hunting competition with rifle and shotgun and a gala dinner.
In addition, we will take this opportunity to hold our General Assembly on Saturday June 11th from 4:30 pm at the Pigeon AG shooting range in Saanen.
Join us! At the end of the page you will find a PDF file with all details of the weekend and the registration form.
Please confirm your presence using the inscription form ( PDF file below) to be send to by May 31st, 2022.
Friday 10th June 2022
5:30 pm | Screening of the film “Green Facts over Green Ignorance” produced by the German Delegation of the CIC and Deutscher Jagdverband (DJV), Gstaad Cinema. |
7:00 pm | Gala Dinner, at the top of Berghaus Wasserngrat accessible by its ski lift at the end of Bissenstrasse between 7 pm and 7:30 pm ( Dress code: Country chic |
Saturday 11th June 2022
Stand Pigeon AG, Dorfrütistrasse 12, 3780 Saanen
9:00 am | Practice at the shooting range |
10:30 am | Shooting competition Information about the competition is available in the PDF file below. |
4:30 pm | General Assembly of SCI-Helvetia (members only) |
The shooting event will be free for members of the SCI Helvetia Chapter, if the membership fee is fully paid until 30th of June 2023 (membership 2022).
Non-members will pay a participation fee of CHF 200, which will cover all costs of the shooting competition, including cartridges.
Gala Dinner at Berghauss Wasserngrat (CHF 150/pers.) and lunch at the shooting range (CHF 60/pers.) are at the expense of participants on site.
The competition prizes will be announced soon. WELCOME SPONSORS! Please contact us.
Please confirm your presence using the inscription form (PDF file below) to be sent to by May 31st, 2020.
Non-members may pay the fee of CHF 200 for their participation in the shooting competition as follows, before May 31st, 2022:
We thank you for your support and active participation and we send you our best regards.
Your SCI-Helvetia committee.