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Europeans Overwhelmingly Approve of International Hunting

The original version is English.

Safari Club International (SCI) is proud to announce the results of a survey commissioned by the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE), SCI, International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), Dallas Safari Club, Wild Sheep Foundation, Conservation Force, and the International Professional Hunters Association and conducted by YouGov. Critically, the survey shows significant acceptance of international hunting by Europeans.

The survey gathered responses from over 7,000 Europeans in five countries—Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Poland—and shows that 77% approve or are neutral of “trophy” hunting, while only 23% disagree with the practice. These results are in stark contrast to the inflated and false figures claimed by animal rights and anti-hunting groups which have been used to advocate for trophy bans across Europe. In particular, YouGov’s survey squarely discredits a plainly biased survey previously conducted by Humane Society International in the same countries.

SCI Helvetia Chapter - News - Europeans Overwhelmingly Approve of International Hunting

International hunting is much more than the negative perception of trophy hunting promoted by anti-hunting groups. In fact, it is proven to be one of the best conservation tools that supports communities, wildlife, and habitat. These survey results show that the majority of Europeans recognize the benefits of legal and regulated hunting, and that trophy bans harm those conservation and economic benefits. Armed with these results, SCI and our partners will continue the fight against misguided bans across Europe and beyond.

Dr. Miguel Estade, SCI Europe Committee Chair said, “Once again it is shown that hunters are the ones who contribute the most to safeguarding wild species and biodiversity. The acceptance of European citizens surpasses those who, without scientific evidence, without figures and without arguments, falsify the consciousness and culture of hunting in Europe. We will continue to argue with data to those who say they defend our natural environment.”

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