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International news - Swiss news
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SCI Europe is proud to announce that following the SCI annual meeting in Las Vegas all European chapters have agreed to financially support two…
International news
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As you might have heard, the UK parliament might introduce during their spring session a bill to implement the toughest bans in the world on the…
International news
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Trophy hunting sparks outrage around the world. But the highly controversial sport can actually help to protect some of Africa's most endangered big…
International news
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The recent debate in England on the «driven grouse shooting ban» shows once again that when scientists look at a hunting practices without…
International news
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À Coutada, dans le delta du Zambèze, l’un des moyens les plus efficaces de lutter contre le braconnage est de fournir aux communautés locales une…
International news
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Le 30 mars dernier, la fondation Brigitte Bardot a annoncé une grande campagne de communication avec plus de 1500 panneaux aux abords des villes…
International news
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Summary of edition #1 of SCI Europe Committee:
Message from SCI European Committee Chair, Dr. Miguel Estade, One With Nature Hungary Hunting Expo,…
Message from SCI European Committee Chair, Dr. Miguel Estade, One With Nature Hungary Hunting Expo,…
International news
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Lorsque des critères stricts sont respectés, la chasse aux trophées a tout son rôle dans la conservation de la biodiversité.
International news
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Découvrez la vidéo de la Fondation du SCI.
International news
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Anti-hunters and the hunting community share a common passion... their love of wildlife. However, the anti-hunter views wildlife through the nirvana-…
International news
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What do conservationists think about hunting animals for sport?
Sounds like a simple question with a fairly obvious answer. But, if an open letter…
Sounds like a simple question with a fairly obvious answer. But, if an open letter…
International news
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Stéphane Travert procède à une adaptation des mesures de prévention de la peste porcine africaine.