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Botswana's president wants to send 20,000 elephants to Germany. Behind the joke lies anger at the image of Africa held by Western environmentalists.
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Safari Club International est fier d'annoncer les résultats d'une enquête commandée par la Fédération européenne pour la chasse et la conservation, SCI, le Conseil international de la chasse et de la…
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Les habitants de Los Angeles ont pleuré la mort d'un puma sauvage à la fin du mois de décembre. Le cougar, comme on l'appelle, a été abattu par des vétérinaires lorsqu'il n'a plus été en mesure de…
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Conservationists worldwide are watching with great interest if the  new Kenyan  President will listen to the call from the country’s wildlife producer communities and urban dwellers to re-…
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Rural and urban Kenyan citizens have appealed to the future President of Kenya to “lift the unhelpful international hunting ban” that brought an increase in wildlife poaching and missed opportunities…
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To gain or totally lose respect of African people and wildlife conservationists worldwide? This is the question that the British Government must answer quickly in view of the somewhat shaky decision…
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S'il s'agissait d'un film, il porterait sur le moment de folie d'un homme politique britannique du 21e siècle qui a choisi de ne pas écouter les experts en gestion de la faune sauvage, mais l'…
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Kenya has disastrously ‘decided’ to continue losing its lion population to poachers and communities that suffer the costs of co-existing with the lions without benefiting from them, forcing them to…
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If Kenya had known that its 1977 hunting ban would devalue and massively degrade its wildlife it might have avoided it. Sadly, the damage has already been done. A professor of the US-based…
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Par Emmanuel Koro, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud: Si la controverse sur la chasse internationale était une troisième guerre mondiale entre les groupes de défense des animaux occidentaux et les…
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Why should African rural communities co-existing with wildlife and receiving zero benefits from it bother conserving wildlife that damages their crops, kills their livestock, loved ones and destroys…
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Zambia’s quiet diplomacy in its efforts to convince the Western countries and animal rights groups to stop their trophy hunting imports ban dictatorship over Africa seems to have ended. It broke the…